
Discovery Learning Programme



Why the work is being done

To equip charities and nonprofits with the tools and skills to understand the needs and behaviours of their communities, and support them to develop digital projects focused on a validated problem area.  
We are looking to work with six experienced agencies to provide support to charities funded by the Catalyst and The National Lottery Community Fund COVID-19 Digital Response programme.

Who are the users and what do they need to do

As a charity/civil society organisation receiving support from the Catalyst and National Lottery Community Fund Digital Response (and struggling to respond to the needs of my community as a result of COVID-19)
I need to understand how I can best use digital/data/design 
So that I can continue delivering vital services to those in need.

As a digital partner
I need funding, support, connection to charities in need and connection to other partners testing similar approaches
In order to deliver the best digital support to organisations in need, and to iterate on my delivery model to improve it further.